I’ve always been a runner, I started in high school but it wasn’t until this time last year that I
became dedicated and although I wasn’t fully aware of where I was going or what I
wanted at the time, I had began to train consistently. I used to be a “train only when I had a

race coming up” type of runner. But I wasn’t getting any faster and with dreams of qualifying for Boston, that wasn’t going to work out for me without being consistent. Then last June I beat a PR I hadn’t been able to beat for 7 years and I gained some confidence. Since last June I’ve run 2 10ks, 3 halfs, my first triathlon, my first trail Ragnar and 3 marathons. All except for 1 were PRs and/or a 2nd or 3rd placement in category or age division.
Thanks to this confidence boost in my abilities
as a runner, I know I’m capable of qualifying for
Boston which is my next goal.

The fact that I have a goal to reach. I won’t stop until I get it. My run group also motivates me. I’ve never had someone or even a group of people that believes in me, inspires me and
encourages me as much as all of these people do, expect for my dad. But although my dad supports me and does encourage me in everything I do, in every dream I have, he isn’t a runner and while I don’t hold that against him, having “runner friends”, people that understand, it’s different. Meeting this amazing group of people was a definite game changer for me.
Getting faster as a runner and being this close to qualifying for Boston. My qualifying time is 3:35 and in October my time at the Ventura Marathon was 3:35:18. If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I could do it I would have said no. To me, this is my greatest success: achieving a dream that I once though wasn’t possible. But anything is possible, right? I’m now a firm believer in if you want it bad enough, you can and will make it happen, you just have to be willing to ride a roller coaster to get there.

To qualify for and run the Boston Marathon. I also have a goal of running at least a half marathon on every continent, but now with more confidence in my abilities that may have
changed to a marathon on every continent. Previous to this year I didn’t think I was capable of doing more than a half marathon on every continent because of travel and how tough that can be on your body.
But now I think differently.
I also plan to get in to ultras once I get the BQ.
Things I tell myself during a race:

- “You’ve got this” - “This pain is temporary” - “You’re almost there” - “This is what you came for” - “Keep pushing”
There’s are quite a few motivational quotes that I like, but considering my change in confidence this past year, this one sticks out:
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” - Henry Ford
IG: amandalynnsena